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2025 Weekly Blogs

Time to let go: Why you should upgrade to Windows 11

We all know how hard it is to let go of things we’ve had for years—like that old pair of jeans that feels like home or the college hoodie that’s seen better days. It’s tough to part with the familiar, but sometimes, holding on just isn’t practical anymore. The same...

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Autobots? No, auto-LAUNCH!

Visualization time! Picture this, you turn on your computer and all the apps you need for the day are already open and ready to go. Now open your eyes, turn on your computer, and let me show you how to make this a thing. Microsoft 11 has a new feature that lets you...

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Calling George Jetson, we may have your tech soon!

I know some of us treat our Windows 11 computer like a personal assistant, but what if it could really handle tasks like a real-life human personal assistant does? Well Microsoft is trying to make this a thing, with their new AI project. Windows Agent Arena. The goal...

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